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Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Four Fish

Reading a fascinating book by Paul Greenberg called "The Four Fish." Its an eye-opening look at how the human race came to favor basically four species of fish for eating and how we have affected their ecology. Though I love eating food from the sea and believe most is quite healthy to eat, I think its good to be aware of the health of our oceans and the fish that live in it.

Autumn Beckons

This Labor Day Weekend is especially foretelling of the season to come. With "Earl" bringing cooler air and brisk winds to the northeast, it signals(earlier than usual) that autumn is certainly on its way. I can't wait. Although I love the summer, once fall approaches, my wife says my eating habits change dramatically. When snacking I switch to apples, nuts, and dried fruit - especially apricots. As it gets colder I do get a pretty severe chocolate habit. As I'm sure many others do, I start to crave soup and stews, savory stuff. Last year I discovered some pretty amazing soups and other hearty fall dishes and I'll be writing about more of them this year. For us, a membership in a CSA pretty much has guaranteed an abundance of fall produce and we are eager to start cooking . Stay tuned.


Eating mix of fruits, veggies may cut lung cancer risk – The Chart - CNN.com Blogs

Eating mix of fruits, veggies may cut lung cancer risk – The Chart - CNN.com Blogs

Farro Salad with Tomatoes, Mushrooms and Basil | David Lebovitz

Farro Salad with Tomatoes, Mushrooms and Basil David Lebovitz