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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another Kind of Oatmeal

I never was a big fan of oatmeal until recently. At a conference last year I tried steel cut oats and found them to be a bit different than the average oatmeal. The flavor is nuttier and the texture to me is less mushy. So what are they? Alton Brown did a nice segment on oats recently and summarized the different forms of oats out there. Rolled oats are what most of us are used to buying in the store in a big round box. Rolled oats take about 10 minutes to cook. When rolled oats are fragmented a bit more they can be purchased as quick oats which cook even more quickly but are a bit mushier. I try to stay away from instant oatmeal as its really mushy, almost pasty and contains all kinds of additives and sugars that you really don't need. Steel cut oats are the oat s prior to rolling them. They look like little nuggets almost, kind of like what the old grape nuts looked like.

You can buy steel cut oats in the grocery store but in bulk at a health food store they are half the price. The problem with them is that they cook up in no less than a half hour so the dish is not easy to pull together if you are rushing off to work in the am. I make a batch the beginning of the week and keep it in the fridge, then microwave a bowl each morning with some maple syrup, raisins and cinnamon and a little milk...great stuff and very filling. Give it a try and let me know what you think!!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

an interesting perspective on meat eating and cattle ranching


Junk food as addicting as heroin?


validation of Dr. David Kessler's writings.

Falafel Adventures

Falafel is a delicious meal and excellent source of protein. Last night we decided to try the recipe from scratch rather than from a box. We went to Mark Bittman's blog and found a good, easy recipe. I think it would have turned out great but for one error, we used canned chick peas rather than soaking fresh ones. It seems that you can only make falafel with previously uncooked chickpeas, otherwise the falafel balls will just fall apart when you try to fry them. In addition, I mistakenly tried frying the humus my wife made instead of the falafel mix(they look similar!). For your information, it doesn't come together with frying either. At any rate, I would recommend the Bittman recipe for falafel, it tastes great and I think if you use dried soaked chick peas, you'd be fine!