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Friday, July 24, 2009

Simple Dinner

I went home yesterday, frustrated and amazed once again at the number of overweight diabetic patients in my practice who appear more content to pay their pharmacy and the drug companies $100 or more per month for their medications, than to change their diet and pay a bit more for good food. Then there was the unhealthy lunch delivered to our office by a pharmaceutical rep. who also brought in a speaker from some large institution touting the benefit of statins for almost everyone. I'm not sure what the answer is but something will have to happen sooner or later or the healthcare system will bankrupt this country.

Dinner for us last night was simple but delicious. Small amount of whole wheat pasta with a simple pesto/herb sauce(recipe follows), some left over grilled zucchini and squash slices dipped in Joyce Goldstein's amazing romesco sauce and a little chianti. Perfection.

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